Irish foundation


About Us


Irish Foundation is one of the country’s largest women & youth -focused humanitarian organisations. With over seven decades of experience at the grassroots, we employ proven, effective development, public engagement and relief practices empowering vulnerable women ,youth ,children and communities living in contexts of poverty and injustice to become self-sufficient and bring lasting change. We serve all women,youth,children and communities regardless of religion, race, ethnicity or gender as a demonstration of Christ’s unconditional love for all people.

Irish Foundation works in 600 districts impacting around crores of women,youth , children and their families in over 56200 communities spread across 28 states and union territories to address issues affecting children, in partnership with governments, civil societies, donors and corporates.

Together for needy. For change. For life
Together for needy. For change. For life


Irish Foundation is managed by president, vice president, secretary, Members, who are supported by an Advisory Panel comprising of individuals from diverse backgrounds and expertise, and a Management Team which comprises of experienced professionals working with Irish Foundation.

Ms sujata kumari sahu is the founder president of Irish foundtion.
Ms Sujata Kumari Sahu
Founder President